Why? Because that’s the session you want to go to of course!

Here’s the link with all the details: http://australia.msteched.com/topic/details/DEV305

Aaron Powell, Luke Drumm, Steve Nagy and myself are going to show you how to build applications for the cloud using multiple clients (i.e. PC and Windows Phone 7 in this case) and some of the things to watch out for.  Don’t worry it won’t be one of those sessions where people try and prove how awesome they are by writing the whole thing on stage.  Instead we’ll be showing you the highlights and what you should think about if you want to try something similar.

I’ll also have my recording equipment with me and will be recording a number of podcasts for Talking Shop Down Under with people while I’m up there, so if you want to hear from someone in particular, let me know so I can line up a time with them!