I’ve been quiet the last few weeks due to TechEd Australia coming up and my need to actually put together a session that flowed nicely, as well as getting through all the usual client work and so forth that was needed.  Well, actually I was quiet on the blogging front, my tweeting continued as per usual (140 characters doesn’t take much time to bash out).

Yet again, TechEd Australia was a great personal experience for me.  I delivered my unit testing session and got some great feedback (thanks to everyone who attended and put in an eval!), I also managed to record 5 episodes for the Talking Shop Down Under podcast, did plenty of networking, including meeting the DotNetRocks guys as well as a bunch of other people I knew only via twitter, and I even attended some sessions and learnt some stuff.

For those interested, Microsoft should soon make my session available online and I’ll update this with the location once it goes live.

Update: The recording will be up at: http://www.msteched.com/2010/Australia/DEV362