On the project I am currently working on we had a recent issue where opening a solution in VS2005 was causing a few messages to be displayed.  I was seeing the following

  • "Projects have recently been added to this solution....", and
  • "Some of the properties associated with the solution could not be read"

I eventually found two issues, both of which likely occurred by incorrectly merging the solution file.

1.  Duplicate Source Control sections

We had a second "GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution" section at the bottom of the solution file.  I simply removed the duplicate section.

2.  Incorrect Path Settings

The other problem was that one of the projects (in the source control section) had an incorrect setting.  It had

SccProjectUniqueName27 = a\\b\\c.csproj
SccProjectName27 = x/y/z
SccLocalPath27 = x\\y\\z
SccProjectFilePathRelativizedFromConnection27 = ..\\..\\..\\a\\b\\

This was fixed by deleting the relativized (is that even a word?) entry and changing the SccProjectName to a/b and SccLocalPath to a\\b


Now the solution file opens without warnings as expected and all is right with the world again :-)