There's a nagging issue I have with VS2005 and that's the inability to use code snippets in aspx and ascx pages. It works in XML files and in the codebehind files, but not in HTML pages.

When you've got standard code that you keep repeating using a snippet would make plenty of sense. There is an alternative - the guidance automation toolkit from Microsoft.

I've seen presentations on this from Martin Granell at Tech.Ed (and heard the podcast on arccast) and when it works it looks really sweet! However trying to put something together from scratch has got me stymied and I don't have the 2 weeks it would take me to get my head around all the concepts and learn the visual studio model - I just want to be able to add some boilerplate code with substitutions to an existing page. Honestly, how hard can it be? The guidance toolkit itself does something similar itself for guidance package authors.

Unfortunately the documentation is less than sparse and there are no good end to end examples that suit. I don't need to start a solution from scratch, I don't need to add a new file type, etc - I just want to insert some code automatically in the .aspx page and in the codebehind.

I can't figure it out - I took the sample project and hacked it to pieces but it seems I've gone too far and hacked out all the bits that make it work. Back to the drawing board I guess.

If anyone has figured GAT/GAX out and has working examples, I'd love to see them 'cause I can't find any anywhere else.